About us

Ekipa GoSMIT R&D d.o.o.

Spoznajmo se in skupaj digitalizirajmo procese.

Podjetje GoSMIT R&D d. o. o., je bilo ustanovljeno februarja 2023 z namenom razvoja napredne programske opreme za zahtevna okolja iz strani treh strokovnjakov IT področja.

Sedež podjetja se nahaja v Slovenj Gradcu, kjer se izvajajo vse aktivnosti v zvezi s poslovanjem podjetja.

Temeljni cilj podjetja je postati prepoznaven in zaupanja vreden partner na področjih:

  • svetovanja na področju IT in industrijske digitalizacije;
  • razvoja naprednih programski rešitev za področje industrije;
  • razvoja naprednih programski rešitev za področje umetne inteligence;
  • razvoju namenskih aplikacij in IT sistemov;
  • raziskovanje in razvoj.

Skozi leta smo pridobili nova znanja, ki jih bomo uporabljali za izvedbo tudi najzahtevnejših projektov. Izvedba projektov je ciljno usmerjena za zadovoljevanje potreb v industriji, gospodarstvu, zdravstvu, odvetništvu in javni upravi.

The team of GoSMIT R&D d.o.o.

Let's get to know each other and together digitize processes.

The company GoSMIT R&D Ltd. was founded in February 2023 with the purpose of developing advanced software solutions for complex environments by three IT experts.

The company is headquartered in Slovenj Gradec, where all business-related activities are carried out.

The primary goal of the company is to become a recognized and trustworthy partner in the following areas:

  • IT and industrial digitization consulting.
  • Holograms and related solutions.
  • Development of advanced software solutions for the industrial sector.
  • Development of advanced software solutions for artificial intelligence.
  • Custom application and IT system development.
  • Research and development.

Over the years, we have acquired new knowledge that we will use to execute even the most demanding projects. Project execution is strategically focused on meeting the needs of the industry, economy, healthcare, legal profession, and public administration.


What We Provide

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Business Planning

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Tax Strategy

Aenean augue venenatis est porttitor fames aptent lobortis nam potenti

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Investment Analysis

Aenean augue venenatis est porttitor fames aptent lobortis nam potenti

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Let’s discuss about how we can help make your business better


Vodstvena ekipa


Primož Miheu


Boštjan Gorenšek


dr. Ambrož Stropnik


dr. Ambrož Stropnik


Boštjan Gorenšek


Primož Miheu


Vision, values, and mission

We connect the present and future of your company.

The company's mission

+ Effective and professional management/implementation of digital transformation in industry, healthcare, and public administration.

+ Providing the most expert team in the field of AI consulting and development within the EU.

+ Educating a new generation of AI professionals who are environmentally responsible through cutting-edge technological development activities.

+ Commitment to carbon neutrality by supporting socially responsible projects in the fields of renewable energy, clean energy, and the circular economy. We will neutralize more than we consume.

The company's values

The five core values at GOSMIT R&D d.o.o. are:

+ DEVELOPMENT – The company constantly focuses on the personal growth, learning, and development of its employees.

+ CREATIVITY – The company consistently aims to foster and encourage the development of new ideas, concepts, and the use of innovative, digital approaches.

+ HONESTY – The company is committed to impartiality, fairness, and ensuring just recognition for the efforts of all employees.

+ MORALITY – Honor and respect for ethical principles among all stakeholders within the company and its partners.

+ SOCIAL EQUALITY – Equal rights and avoidance of discrimination based on status.

Company Vision

To shape the future of digitalization and AI by developing and delivering cutting-edge, personalized, secure, and environmentally friendly software solutions.


Customer Feebacks


David Smith


“Dabus nisl aliquet congue tellus nascetur lectus pien mattis arcu dictums augue volutpat felis etiam suspen disse rhoncus mauris dignissim ante”

3.0 rating based on 1,234 ratings

Mark Jone


“Dabus nisl aliquet congue tellus nascetur lectus pien mattis arcu dictums augue volutpat felis etiam suspen disse rhoncus mauris dignissim ante”

4.5 rating based on 1,234 ratings

Lord Kone


“Dabus nisl aliquet congue tellus nascetur lectus pien mattis arcu dictums augue volutpat felis etiam suspen disse rhoncus mauris dignissim ante”

5.0 rating based on 1,234 ratings